Buerger's Disease and Diabetic Foot

Buerger's Disease and Diabetic Foot

A slight bruise on our toes or fingers, or a wound on the nail, can sometimes lead to amputation of our finger. Generally, we do not pay much attention to these complaints and cannot believe it when we lose our finger. Yes, think about it, first your toe is cut off and later on, your foot is cut off….There is no limb!…Continuing the other foot, then the hands and arm……This is an insidious disease with terrible consequences. Buerger's Disease…No one should say I can't have it! Because although it is frequently seen in smokers and men, its cause is still unknown, and there is also familial transmission.

Don't Let Our Feet and Fingers Be Cut off

What would we do if we didn't have at least one of our feet that we don't care about and that carry us for years?

The disease is usually seen in men between the ages of 20 and 50 who smoke. Its symptoms are entirely due to blood circulation deficiencies resulting from vascular narrowing or occlusion. Pain in the feet and calves when walking, slight hair loss, and most importantly, coldness, cramps and bruising in our toes are the main complaints. If a small wound that occurs while cutting our nails or a bruising on the toe as a result of squeezing with tight shoes does not heal, it is necessary to see a specialist without delay. Unfortunately, we use many ointments to heal these wounds and as a result, inflammation accompanies the process. Those who cannot find a real specialist have to accept having their fingers or even their legs amputated. It's too late now. All this similar situation can also occur in the feet of diabetic patients and “diabetic footIt is called “”, the only difference is that it is also seen in elderly patients. The treatment is the same in both and is used to save the foot and leg.without giving up” her türlü girişimi sonuna kadar  uygulamak gerekir. Günümüzde gelişmiş suni damarlarla kalp çıkımında ki ana damar olan Aortadan ayak bileğindeki atardamara kadar bypass yapmak mümkündür.Bu bypass işlemleri minimal invaziv denen “az hasarlı” girişimlerle yapılır.Ayak parmaklarımızdaki küçük çaplı atardamarların genişlemesini sağlamak için karından minik kesilerle yapılan ameliyatlar ve düz kas gevşetici ilaçlar gibi çok basit tedavilerle de parmak ve ayak kurtarılabilir.Dğer yandan ayaktaki yaraları hiçbir merhem kullanmamak ve önce kurutmak yaranın büyümesini ve enfeksiyonu önler.Yeter ki  parmak yada ayakta çürüme ve gangren gelişmeden tedaviye gelinsin. Bu hastalıklara %30 oranında el parmaklarıda katılabilir. Ellerde oluşanlarda tedavi daha başarılıdır. Bazen sigarayı bırakmak bile hastalığın ilerlemesini durdurabilir. Unutmayın bacağın,ayağın veya parmakların kesilmesi en kolay yöntemdir ama malesef sonrasında oluşan travma çok daha ağırdır…

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