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Cardiovascular Surgery Specialist
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Buerger's Disease and Diabetic Foot
Buerger's Disease and Diabetic Foot
Buerger's Disease and Diabetic Foot Slight bruising or a wound on the nail on our toes or fingers can sometimes lead to amputation of our finger. Generally, we do not pay much attention to these complaints and cannot believe it when we lose our finger. Yes, think about it, first your toe is cut off and later on, your foot is cut off….A limb is amputated. no!…Continuing with the other foot, then the hands and arm……This is the insidious one, with terrible consequences…
Advantages of Cardiovascular Surgery Specialist
Advantages of Cardiovascular Surgery Specialist
Cardiovascular Surgery Specialist A cardiovascular surgeon can significantly improve patients' quality of life and save their lives. These specialists improve the health of patients by treating life-threatening conditions such as heart attacks, vascular occlusions, and aneurysms. Cardiovascular diseases are one of the leading causes of death worldwide. Therefore, there is always a great demand for surgeons...
Symptoms of Cardiovascular Occlusion
Symptoms of Cardiovascular Occlusion
Cardiac Atherosclerosis is a condition that occurs when the vessels carrying blood to the heart become blocked. Cardiovascular occlusion usually occurs as a result of a process known as atherosclerosis. Atherosclerosis causes plaque formation as a result of the accumulation of fat and cholesterol on the vessel walls. Plaques harden over time and narrow the artery. This makes blood flow difficult. What are the Symptoms of Cardiovascular Occlusion? Symptoms may vary from person to person....
Carotid Artery Surgery

Carotid Artery Carotid arteries are the general name of the veins known as the carotid artery located on both sides of our neck area. The jugular vein, that is, the carotid arteries, are the main sources of brain nutrition. The right and left carotid arteries run on the sides of the neck and enter the skull at the back and divide into branches. Atherosclerotic occlusions may occur at the common carotid artery junction and reduce brain flow,...

What is Raynaud's Disease?

If we were to answer the question of what Raynaud's disease is, it would not be wrong to say that the disease is a rare disease usually seen in the blood vessels of the fingers and toes. It causes blood vessels to constrict when you feel cold or stressed. This prevents blood from reaching the skin surface, and the affected areas turn white and blue. When blood flow returns to normal, the skin turns red,...

What is Atherosclerosis?

Atherosclerosis (arteriosclerosis) is a disease that occurs as a result of deterioration of the structure of the arteries and causes vascular occlusion. Atherosclerosis occurs as a result of the artery losing its elastic structure and the deterioration of its smooth internal structure, causing narrowing of the artery. Plaques, which form as a result of the accumulation of substances such as cholesterol, fat cells, protein, etc. in the veins, cause blockage in the vessels in different parts of the body, causing stroke, heart problems...

Why is echocardiography important?

Echocardiography, also known as echo, is the ultrasonographic examination of the heart. It is an important detection tool used in the diagnosis of heart diseases and in the post-treatment follow-up process. Echo is based on the principle that the generated sound waves are directed to the patient's heart, the structures in the heart tissue reflect these waves, and they are converted into images in a computer environment. Who is Eco Applied to? Eko, with a history and at risk...

Buerger's Disease Treatment

Buerger's disease is a vascular disease that occurs due to deterioration and occlusion of the artery structure, manifested by pain and wounds in the hands and feet. Due to these problems in the veins, gangrene may occur because the limbs are not adequately nourished. In this disease, which is more common in young men and smokers, severe pain and non-healing wounds...

What is Deep Vein Thrombosis?

Veins are divided into two: superficial and deep. The formation of clots in these deep veins circulating between the muscles in the arm and leg is called deep vein thrombosis (DVT). Deep vein thrombosis is a disease that can have dangerous and fatal consequences as it can cause pulmonary embolism, that is, the filling of the lung vein with clot. In addition, venous ulcer, defined as postthrombotic insufficiency, can also occur in the future.

What is Carotid Artery Disease?

Carotid Artery Disease Carotid arteries, popularly known as carotid arteries, are arteries located on both sides of the neck that carry blood and oxygen to the brain. Carotid artery diseases refer to diseases that occur as a result of the narrowing or occlusion of these vessels due to the deterioration of their flexible and smooth structure. The main cause of carotid artery diseases is atherosclerosis, also known as arteriosclerosis. Deterioration of the vascular structure...

What is Kawasaki Disease?

Kawasaki disease is a disease that can be seen in childhood, especially between the ages of 8 months and 9-10 years, and is characterized by high fever, rash on the body, and redness, especially in the mouth, tongue and eyes. Enlargement of the lymph nodes in the neck occurs. Although Kawasaki disease is a rare disease, it can cause non-congenital heart diseases and heart attacks in children.

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