The vein to be used for bypass is usually the leg vein, however, the mammarian vein, which is the artery that runs through the chest and supplies blood, is used. Although the radial artery taken from the arm was used in the past, it is not preferred today because it causes premature blockage and complaints such as pain, coldness and bruising in the arm. Since the vein removed from the leg is immediately subcutaneous, it does not cause any complications in the leg. However, it should not be forced or damaged during removal. For this purpose, it should be taken into consideration that techniques performed for aesthetic purposes may cause vascular damage and early occlusion in the future. Moreover, since the skin incision is closed aesthetically, it will not be very noticeable in the future. The quality of the bypass means long-term operation.
The intrathoracic artery is generally used to bleed the coronary artery on the front of the heart. Although patency rates are known to be high, leg veins performed with good techniques do not remain blocked for a long time.