What is Vascular Occlusion?

It is a condition in which the vessels become clogged as a result of the accumulation of fat and cholesterol on the inner surfaces of the blood vessels. vascular occlusionIt can cause blood flow to be restricted and tissues not to receive enough oxygen and nutrients. It is a major health problem that can lead to heart attack, stroke and other serious health problems. Healthy lifestyle changes and medical treatments can help control it.

Symptoms of Vascular Occlusion

People with the disease may often experience chest pain and pain in the legs. The blockage can cause not enough oxygen to the lungs, which can lead to shortness of breath. It can create a feeling of constant fatigue due to not enough blood and oxygen flowing to the body. It can cause not enough blood flow to the hands and feet, which can lead to coldness and numbness. It may cause color changes on the skin.

Pallor and bluish discoloration of the skin may be observed on the legs and feet. It can block blood flow to the brain, causing paralysis or muscle weakness. It can affect the heart vessels or brain vessels. It may increase the risk of heart attack or stroke. vascular occlusion symptoms If you are experiencing it, you should contact a healthcare professional immediately. Symptoms may be a sign of other health problems in addition to this disease, and early diagnosis and treatment is important.

Vascular Occlusion Risk Factors

What is Vascular Occlusion?

High levels of LDL (bad) cholesterol can lead to plaque buildup on the inner surfaces of the arteries. High blood pressure can cause strain and damage to blood vessels. Smoking can cause blood vessels to narrow and become damaged.

Diabetes can increase vascular damage if blood sugar is uncontrolled. Carrying excess weight can negatively affect health and lead to blockages. Insufficient physical activity can harm vascular health. Family history may increase your risk if there is a family history of the disease.

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The risk increases with age. Men are more prone to the disease than women, but post-menopausal women also have an increased risk. Chronic stress is among the risk factors. Excessive alcohol consumption and drug use can negatively affect health.

vascular occlusion To reduce the risk, it is necessary to adopt a healthy lifestyle. It is important to exercise regularly and have a balanced eating habit. It is important not to smoke and to keep health problems such as blood pressure and cholesterol under control as recommended. Additionally, it is necessary to go for regular doctor check-ups. It is also important to follow medical advice when necessary to maintain vascular health.

Vascular Occlusion Treatment Methods

What is Vascular Occlusion?

Doctors may prescribe medications to widen blood vessels and prevent blood clots. Medications can reduce blockages and improve blood flow. Angioplasty and stent are invasive procedures and are used to open blockages.

Doctors insert a balloon into the vein through the catheter, then the balloon is inflated and opens the blockage. A metal tube, usually called a stent, is also placed, keeping the vein open. Bypass surgery is performed to bypass blocked arteries.

The procedure allows blood to reach the heart, bypassing the blocked area. A healthy lifestyle is important in treating the disease. It is important to quit smoking, exercise regularly and adopt healthy eating habits.

Weight control is an important part of this treatment method. Regular doctor checks and medical follow-up after treatment help keep the disease under control. vascular occlusion Treatment may vary depending on the patient's condition, the degree of obstruction, and other factors. In any case, it is necessary to stick to the treatment plan recommended by the doctor. Adopting a healthy lifestyle can help control the disease.
