Prof. Dr. Yavuz BeşoğulAll Articles

Cardiovascular Surgery Specialist
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Venöz Tromboz
Venöz Tromboz
Venöz Tromboz Nedir? Venöz tromboz, toplardamarların içinde pıhtı oluşması durumudur ve bu pıhtı kan akışını engelleyebilir. Genellikle bacaklarda meydana gelir ve derin ven trombozu (DVT) olarak adlandırılır. Bu durum, toplardamarların kanı kalbe taşımasını zorlaştırır ve pıhtının akciğerlere giderek ciddi bir durum olan pulmoner emboliye neden olma riski vardır. Bu rahatsızlık, hareketsiz bir yaşam tarzı, uzun...
VSD Ameliyatı
VSD Ameliyatı
VSD Ameliyatı Nedir? VSD ameliyatı, iki karıncık arasındaki delikleri kapatmak için yapılır. Kalbin sağ ve sol karıncıkları arasındaki duvarda bulunan bu delik, kanın içinde yanlış yönde akmasına yol açabilir. VSD, doğuştan gelen bir kalp rahatsızlığıdır ve tedavi edilmediğinde kalbin daha fazla çalışmasına, solunum sorunlarına ve kalp yetmezliğine neden olabilir. Ameliyatın amacı, kanın yanlış yönde akmasını önlemek...
Kılcal Damar Tedavisi
Kılcal Damar Tedavisi
Kılcal Damar Tedavisi Nedir? Kılcal damar tedavisi, cilt yüzeyine yakın olan ince kılcal damarların görünümünü azaltmak veya tamamen ortadan kaldırmak için yapılan bir işlemdir. Bu damarlar, özellikle yüz, bacaklar ve burunda belirginleşir ve çoğu kişi için estetik bir rahatsızlık oluşturabilir. Bu damarların belirginleşmesi genellikle yaşlanma, genetik değişiklikler, hormonal değişiklikler, güneşe maruz kalma ve çeşitli yaşam...
Myxoma Disease

What is Myxoma Disease? Myxoma is located on the left side of the heart. Left atrial myxomas are usually located in the septum (heart wall) region between the two atria, which prevents clean and dirty blood from mixing. The mass located in the heart wall is connected to the septum by a stalk. It does not move around, but it is mobile. If it has a loose structure, it passes from the left atrium of the heart through the mitral valve and...

Effects of varicose veins on the body?

Varicose veins under the skin are blue, enlarged and folded. Although swelling is initially observed due to the expansion of the veins, more and more varicose veins are discovered, large vein bundles may form and even vein cracks may be observed. Although varicose veins usually cause visual discomfort in the first years, they can cause pain in later years. If venous insufficiency develops, swelling occurs in the legs. Blood clot in a vein...

Heart Surgery Decision Making Criteria

If heart surgery is inevitable, you must first get rid of your fear and think logically. For this reason, the criteria for deciding on heart surgery are very important. It should not be forgotten that heart surgery is not death but salvation from our heart disease. Additionally, heart patients, preoperative patients, and disabled people can be considered; However, since the purpose of the surgery is to turn the patient into a healthy person, the patient...

What are the Symptoms of Aortic Stenosis? With aortic stenosis, the patient feels shortness of breath even with the slightest exertion. The patient has difficulty breathing while walking and climbing stairs. There may be chest pain with difficulty breathing. Additionally, if aortic valve stenosis is severe, the patient may faint. The risk of death is quite high at this stage. All possible symptoms of aortic stenosis can be listed as follows: - Fatigue quickly with exertion - Shortness of Breath...

What is Mitral Stenosis?

The mitral valve is located between the left atrium and left ventricle and consists of 2 leaflets (bicuspid). Oxygen-laden blood from the lungs enters the left atrium through the pulmonary veins and from there passes through the mitral valve and flows into the left ventricle. The left ventricle then contracts and pumps blood into the aorta to distribute it throughout the body. At this point, the mitral valve is used to prevent backflow of blood into the left atrium.

Aortic Stenosis Diagnostic Methods The diagnosis of aortic stenosis can be diagnosed by chance, when individuals go to the doctor for any reason and hear a murmur while listening to the heart during a normal examination, as well as by various aortic diagnostic methods with the development of some symptoms. Electrocardiography (ECG) Start by recording the ECG heart rhythm. Here, heart rate, whether it beats regularly, problems in the blood vessels feeding the heart and valve disease...

Aortic Insufficiency Treatment Treatment of aortic insufficiency depends on the degree of the disease. Appropriate treatment varies for each patient. Patients with mild aortic insufficiency are given some medications so that patient monitoring can begin. If the left ventricle begins to enlarge and deteriorate due to aortic insufficiency experienced by the patient, surgical methods are used to replace the valve. The newly placed valve is a prosthetic valve. However, since it is a durable cover, it is made of metal...

What is Aortic Stenosis? The largest vessel in the body is the aorta. Aorta is an important blood vessel that carries clean blood from the heart to all organs. The average blood carrying capacity of the aorta is 6-7 liters. There is also the aortic valve, one of four valves in the heart. The aortic valve is the valve through which clean blood from the left ventricle passes before going from the aorta to the body. The aortic valve keeps blood flowing in the right direction and...

What are Varicose Veins? Expansion of the veins under the skin is defined as varicose veins. Varicose veins appear blue, twisted and enlarged just under the skin. At first, it may cause visual discomfort to the person, but later on it may cause pain. Expansion of the veins causes swelling in the body. However, with increasing signs of varicose veins, even large vascular bundles and vascular cracks can be seen. Varicose...

Varicose Vein Foam Treatment Sclerotherapy

Sclerotherapy Varicose Vein Foam Treatment Nowadays, the appearance of varicose veins on the legs, which are very disturbing especially in terms of cosmotics, affects us from our working lives to our home lives. We keep looking for a solution. In this process, we immediately believe anyone who says they will destroy them and look for solutions in beauty centers. In fact, this condition, which is a venous disease, does not occur after aging or malnutrition. Because...
