Prof. Dr. Yavuz BeşoğulAll Articles

Cardiovascular Surgery Specialist
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Buerger's Disease and Diabetic Foot
Buerger's Disease and Diabetic Foot
Buerger's Disease and Diabetic Foot Slight bruising or a wound on the nail on our toes or fingers can sometimes lead to amputation of our finger. Generally, we do not pay much attention to these complaints and cannot believe it when we lose our finger. Yes, think about it, first your toe is cut off and later on, your foot is cut off….A limb is amputated. no!…Continuing with the other foot, then the hands and arm……This is the insidious one, with terrible consequences…
Advantages of Cardiovascular Surgery Specialist
Advantages of Cardiovascular Surgery Specialist
Cardiovascular Surgery Specialist A cardiovascular surgeon can significantly improve patients' quality of life and save their lives. These specialists improve the health of patients by treating life-threatening conditions such as heart attacks, vascular occlusions, and aneurysms. Cardiovascular diseases are one of the leading causes of death worldwide. Therefore, there is always a great demand for surgeons...
Symptoms of Cardiovascular Occlusion
Symptoms of Cardiovascular Occlusion
Cardiac Atherosclerosis is a condition that occurs when the vessels carrying blood to the heart become blocked. Cardiovascular occlusion usually occurs as a result of a process known as atherosclerosis. Atherosclerosis causes plaque formation as a result of the accumulation of fat and cholesterol on the vessel walls. Plaques harden over time and narrow the artery. This makes blood flow difficult. What are the Symptoms of Cardiovascular Occlusion? Symptoms may vary from person to person....
Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy

Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM) is a disease in which the heart muscle (myocardium) becomes abnormally thick (hypertrophic). Thickened heart muscle can make it harder for the heart to pump blood. Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy often goes undiagnosed because many people with the disease have few, if any, symptoms and can lead normal lives without significant problems. However, in a small number of people with HCM, thickened heart muscle causes shortness of breath,...

Ways to Prevent Heart Attack

Heart attack is among the top causes of death in the world. Especially if the mother or father has had a genetic heart attack, has had surgery before, or has a blockage in the heart vessels, the person must have himself examined. The first way to prevent this is to be examined when suspected. For this purpose, a stress test can be performed, as well as examinations that show the nourished areas of the heart, mostly in nuclear medicine today....

Life After Heart Valve Surgery

What Should Those Having Heart Valve Surgery Pay Attention to? When heart valve surgery is performed with a few centimeter incisions using the minimally invasive surgical method, the postoperative recovery process is faster. There are fewer restrictions on patients' daily lives after minimally invasive surgery, where the risk of complications and bleeding is lower compared to open surgery. Heart valve repair or heart valve replacement...

What Should Those with Mitral Valve Insufficiency Pay Attention to?

Those with mitral valve insufficiency should have their blood pressure, pulse and weight checked regularly. However, heart failure patients should use their medications regularly and consult a doctor without delay in cases such as rapid weight gain, fatigue, loss of appetite and edema in the feet or legs. Symptoms of Mitral Valve Insufficiency: Shortness of breath, chest pain, rhythm disturbances, easy fatigue, weakness of unknown cause...

Bicuspid Aortic Valve Surgery

Bicuspid aortic valve has 2 leaves instead of 3 leaves. The first effect of bicuspid aortic valve disease is calcification. Arthritis can develop rapidly between the ages of 30 and 50. As a result of calcification, the valves may soften and become deformed, leaking backwards and causing heart enlargement. Therefore, intervention must be made without wasting time. Bicuspid Aortic Valve Repair The person's...

Cardiovascular Diseases in Patients with Diabetes

Diabetes can trigger cardiovascular diseases in the long term, leading to heart failure, coronary artery diseases or peripheral artery diseases. According to research, these problems are more common in diabetic patients than in non-diabetic individuals. Diabetes can cause accelerated vascular occlusion and clotting. Patients with diabetes use tobacco, have high body mass indexes and...

How to Treat Varicose Veins Without Surgery?

Today, varicose vein treatment is performed successfully without general anesthesia and without the use of surgical methods. It is possible to get rid of varicose veins painlessly with the venablock method, which is one of the most successful techniques in the treatment of varicose veins. What is Venablock? In the Venablock method, varicose veins are entered using ultrasonography and needles. Biological adhesives are applied into the vein with a catheter, ensuring that the veins stick together....

Difference Between Heart Valve Repair and Heart Valve Replacement

Heart valve diseases are among the most common heart diseases. Treatment methods for heart valve stenosis and insufficiency diseases that occur in the mitral valve, aortic valve, tricuspid valve and pulmonary valve in the heart may vary depending on the condition of the disease, such as heart valve repair and heart valve replacement. Heart valve repair surgeries are different from heart valve replacement surgeries...

What are the Symptoms of Rhythm Disorder (Arrhythmia)?

Arrhythmia can be defined as irregularities in heartbeat, such as bracardia or tachycardia. While a slow heartbeat is called bracardia; If it is fast, it is called tachycardia. However, the heartbeat is irregular, other than slow or fast; Pauses during heartbeat are also considered as arrhythmia. What are the symptoms of arrhythmia? ECG to diagnose arrhythmia...

In Which Circumstances is Coronary Bypass Surgery Performed?

Coronary bypass surgery directs blood to a section of a blocked or partially blocked artery in your heart to improve blood flow to your heart muscle. The procedure involves taking a healthy blood vessel from your leg, arm, or chest and connecting it across blocked arteries in your heart. Although coronary bypass surgery does not cure heart disease that causes blockages (atherosclerosis or coronary artery disease), it...

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