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Cardiovascular Surgery Specialist
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Buerger's Disease and Diabetic Foot
Buerger's Disease and Diabetic Foot
Buerger's Disease and Diabetic Foot Slight bruising or a wound on the nail on our toes or fingers can sometimes lead to amputation of our finger. Generally, we do not pay much attention to these complaints and cannot believe it when we lose our finger. Yes, think about it, first your toe is cut off and later on, your foot is cut off….A limb is amputated. no!…Continuing with the other foot, then the hands and arm……This is the insidious one, with terrible consequences…
Advantages of Cardiovascular Surgery Specialist
Advantages of Cardiovascular Surgery Specialist
Cardiovascular Surgery Specialist A cardiovascular surgeon can significantly improve patients' quality of life and save their lives. These specialists improve the health of patients by treating life-threatening conditions such as heart attacks, vascular occlusions, and aneurysms. Cardiovascular diseases are one of the leading causes of death worldwide. Therefore, there is always a great demand for surgeons...
Symptoms of Cardiovascular Occlusion
Symptoms of Cardiovascular Occlusion
Cardiac Atherosclerosis is a condition that occurs when the vessels carrying blood to the heart become blocked. Cardiovascular occlusion usually occurs as a result of a process known as atherosclerosis. Atherosclerosis causes plaque formation as a result of the accumulation of fat and cholesterol on the vessel walls. Plaques harden over time and narrow the artery. This makes blood flow difficult. What are the Symptoms of Cardiovascular Occlusion? Symptoms may vary from person to person....
What is Buerger's Disease?

Buerger's Disease is a rare vascular disease that occurs in the peripheral arteries (small arteries in the limbs). Buerger's disease causes blood flow to be obstructed as a result of inflammation of the vessels. The exact cause is not clearly known. However, it has been closely associated with smoking. Smoking increases the risk of the disease and can exacerbate symptoms. Therefore, people diagnosed with the disease are advised to quit smoking. Buerger's Disease Symptoms...

What is Mitral Valve Surgery?

What is Mitral Valve Surgery? The process of repairing or replacing the valve between the left atrium and left ventricle of the heart is called mitral valve surgery. Surgery is used to treat diseases such as valve insufficiency or stenosis. Mitral valve regurgitation is a condition that causes blood to flow backwards because the valve does not close. Mitral valve stenosis is the narrowing of the valve and therefore the blood cannot flow sufficiently...

Leg Vascular Occlusion Treatment

It is associated with hardening of the artery in the leg. This condition can cause decreased blood flow in the legs. It usually causes symptoms such as pain, fatigue and skin color changes. Treatment of leg vein occlusion may vary depending on the severity of the patient's condition and general health condition. What is Leg Vascular Occlusion and Its Causes It refers to the narrowing or blockage of the arteries in the legs. In this case, artery...

Pulmonary Valve Surgery

It is a structure located between the right ventricle of the heart and the pulmonary artery and allows blood to flow in one direction towards the lungs. Like other heart valves, it prevents the backward flow of blood. However, some individuals may have congenital or acquired problems with this valve. In such cases, pulmonary valve surgery may be required. It allows blood to flow in one direction to the lungs....

What is Tricuspid Valve Insufficiency?

It is the valve called the tricuspid valve located between the right atrium and the right ventricle of the heart. It occurs as a result of failure to function. This valve functions to prevent blood from flowing backwards from the right atrium into the right ventricle. Tricuspid valve insufficiency is the disease that occurs when it cannot close. What Does the Tricuspid Valve Do? The tricuspid valve carries blood from the right atrium of the heart to the right ventricle...

Bypass Surgery for a Working Heart

It is performed when the heart muscle cannot receive enough oxygen due to coronary artery disease. Bypass surgery on a functioning heart aims to create new pathways to bypass blockages in the coronary arteries. During the procedure, a connection is made to the clogged veins using healthy veins or veins taken from outside the body. In this way, blood flow returns to normal and the heart muscle can receive sufficient oxygen and nutrients....

What is Aortic Valve Surgery?

It is performed if the aortic valve in the heart fails to function. This surgical procedure is called aortic valve surgery. The valve is the valve that allows the aorta, the main artery coming out of the heart, to pump the blood coming out of the left ventricle of the heart. However, in some cases it may not work properly. This may cause blood to leak back or not be pumped sufficiently. In Which Situations Is Aortic Valve Surgery Performed? Full...

Mitral Valve Treatment

Mitral Valve Treatment refers to medical interventions to correct or treat heart valve dysfunction. The mitral valve is a valve located between the left atrium and left ventricle in the heart. When the heart muscle contracts, it opens and allows blood to pass from the left atrium to the left ventricle. The valve then closes and prevents blood from flowing backwards, allowing blood to return to the body.

Leg Vein Occlusion Symptoms

It is also called peripheral artery disease. It is a condition that causes blood flow to be blocked as a result of narrowing and blockage of the large vessels in the legs. Leg vein occlusion usually occurs as a result of a process called atherosclerosis. Atherosclerosis is a condition characterized by fat accumulation and inflammation in artery walls. Over time, these accumulations can form hard structures called plaques. If these plaques damage the artery walls...

What Causes Raynaud's Disease?

Fingers, toes, nose and ear color change due to narrowing of the vessels. Circulatory disorder that causes loss of sensation and pain is called Raynaud's disease. This disease occurs with triggering factors such as cold or stress. It is basically seen in three types: Primary Raynaud: In this type of disease, a definitive cause cannot be determined. Vascular reactions overreact and narrow, leading to decreased circulation...

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