The Effect of High Blood Pressure on Heart Health

What is Blood Pressure?

Blood pressure can be defined as the pressure exerted by blood on the vessels. The pressure exerted by the heart as it contracts and throws blood into the vessels is systolic, popularly known as systolic blood pressure. As a result of the relaxation of the heart, the pressure that still exists in the vessels is diastolic, popularly known as diastolic blood pressure.

High blood pressure, also known as hypertension, refers to high levels of blood pressure in the veins. High blood pressure can affect organs in different parts of the body and cause damage there.

The Effect of High Blood Pressure on Heart Health

Healthy veins have a strong and flexible structure. In this way, blood flows in a healthy way, helping tissues and organs receive the necessary oxygen and nutrition.

Hypertension causes deterioration of the healthy structure in the vessels. While the inner lining of the veins may be damaged, fat cells may accumulate in this damaged vascular structure. Therefore, vessel walls can become less elastic and limit blood flow. However, when blood passes through a weak vessel, it can strain the vessel wall, causing it to expand and cause an aneurysm.

As a result, high blood pressure can lead to heart attack due to the deterioration of vascular structures. In addition, it can cause the heart to work harder, leading to heart failure. Therefore, it is extremely important to closely monitor blood pressure patients and apply the necessary treatment.



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