Prof. Dr. Yavuz BeşoğulAll Articles

Cardiovascular Surgery Specialist
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Venöz Tromboz
Venöz Tromboz
Venöz Tromboz Nedir? Venöz tromboz, toplardamarların içinde pıhtı oluşması durumudur ve bu pıhtı kan akışını engelleyebilir. Genellikle bacaklarda meydana gelir ve derin ven trombozu (DVT) olarak adlandırılır. Bu durum, toplardamarların kanı kalbe taşımasını zorlaştırır ve pıhtının akciğerlere giderek ciddi bir durum olan pulmoner emboliye neden olma riski vardır. Bu rahatsızlık, hareketsiz bir yaşam tarzı, uzun...
VSD Ameliyatı
VSD Ameliyatı
VSD Ameliyatı Nedir? VSD ameliyatı, iki karıncık arasındaki delikleri kapatmak için yapılır. Kalbin sağ ve sol karıncıkları arasındaki duvarda bulunan bu delik, kanın içinde yanlış yönde akmasına yol açabilir. VSD, doğuştan gelen bir kalp rahatsızlığıdır ve tedavi edilmediğinde kalbin daha fazla çalışmasına, solunum sorunlarına ve kalp yetmezliğine neden olabilir. Ameliyatın amacı, kanın yanlış yönde akmasını önlemek...
Kılcal Damar Tedavisi
Kılcal Damar Tedavisi
Kılcal Damar Tedavisi Nedir? Kılcal damar tedavisi, cilt yüzeyine yakın olan ince kılcal damarların görünümünü azaltmak veya tamamen ortadan kaldırmak için yapılan bir işlemdir. Bu damarlar, özellikle yüz, bacaklar ve burunda belirginleşir ve çoğu kişi için estetik bir rahatsızlık oluşturabilir. Bu damarların belirginleşmesi genellikle yaşlanma, genetik değişiklikler, hormonal değişiklikler, güneşe maruz kalma ve çeşitli yaşam...
Why Do Varicose Veins Occur at a Young Age?

         Varicose veins occur in the legs as a result of the insufficiency of the valves in the superficial and deep vein system, causing blood to pool under the influence of gravity and the subcutaneous veins becoming fuller and more prominent. The incidence of varicose veins is high at young ages. There are many reasons for this: The most common reason is hereditary. Sedentary occupational disease (standing too much, walking less), obesity, not doing sports, sitting at a desk and feet...

What are the Causes of Varicose Veins?

What are Varicose Veins? As a result of the valves in the superficial and deep vein system in the legs not closing or leaking back, blood pools in the veins due to the effect of gravity and the subcutaneous veins become fuller and more prominent. This can happen at any age. Among the causes of varicose veins, genetic factors are mostly effective. The main cause of varicose veins is generally hereditary. It usually starts to appear after birth, the reason is during pregnancy...

Armpit Heart Surgery Prices

Armpit heart surgery is performed by entering between the ribs through a small incision in the right armpit, without cutting any bones or muscles, or opening the frontal sternum. The prices of armpit heart surgery performed by Cardiovascular Surgeons are wondered by heart valve patients and patients requiring heart valve repair. Axillary heart surgery prices depend on various factors...

How is Buerger's Disease Treated?

What is Buerger's Disease? Buerger's disease, a peripheral vascular disease, occurs as a result of progressive blockage in the veins of the hands and feet due to smoking. Buerger's disease occurs as a result of excessive use of cigarettes and tobacco products. The disease occurs in the arteries and veins of the arms and legs. In Buerger's disease, vascular occlusion occurs due to inflammation and swelling of the blood vessels and the formation of blood clots. This...

What Should Be Done to Protect Heart Health?

The number of people dying due to heart diseases is increasing today. Our country ranks first in Europe in heart attack deaths. This situation reveals that many people in Turkey die due to heart diseases. It is extremely important to protect heart health in order to prevent heart diseases and live a long and healthy life. Small changes we can make in our lives can protect our heart health...

Heart Attack Symptoms

How Does a Heart Attack Show Symptoms? The heart, which meets the body's blood needs, is of vital importance. A heart attack occurs because the heart muscle cannot receive enough oxygen as a result of a sudden blockage in the arteries feeding the heart. Approximately 200 thousand people die from heart attacks every year in Turkey. First aid to a heart attack, medically known as myocardial infarction, is very important. Heart attack symptoms...

Deficiencies and Mistakes Made in the Treatment of Reyno's Disease

How Reyno's Disease Manifests Itself: Reyno's disease is a disease that may occur due to reasons such as severe coldness in the hands, highly asymmetrical or symmetrical bruising on the fingers, and sometimes severe paleness. First of all, the patient is thought to have scleroderma and is referred to the rheumatology department. As a result of the tests, he is said to have Reynauld disease and is referred to cardiology and vascular surgery. In conclusion...

Mistakes Made in Buerger's Disease

Buerger's disease is explained as vascular occlusion that occurs due to cigarette allergy. The onset of Buerger's disease is actually pain in the feet, but this situation is not taken seriously at first. As a result of the pain, color change occurs in the toes after a short time and over time, wounds begin to form. As a result of the wounds, the patient becomes alarmed and consults a doctor. Generally, physicians some...

What Happens If Peripheral Bypass and Buerger's Disease Are Delayed?

A small wound on the toe or a small cut made during nail cutting can quickly progress to the amputation of the toe and even to below-the-knee, and sometimes knee-leg amputation. The person is surprised at what has happened and sees that he has been pounding water in a mortar in the past. In fact, he consulted doctors several times, but unfortunately, after peripheral angiography, he found that the vein was completely blocked.

Should Closed Heart Surgery Be Preferred?

When we are told that we need to have heart surgery, we rightly do not want to have the surgery first. This is the first reaction that occurs as a result of fear. We start researching "How can I get over it without surgery?" and start going from doctor to doctor. At this stage, we feel like we are reborn when one of the doctors says, "You don't need surgery." We are constantly attached to that doctor, both materially and spiritually. The truth is, our complaints...
