Deep Vein Thrombosis Treatment

In cases of early diagnosis and calf obstruction in drug treatment, lung clots are not an expected situation, so outpatient treatment is preferred in this case. Inpatient treatment for obstructions extending to the groin and abdominal area is generally preferred, considering the risk. In addition, in early diagnosis, the use of blood thinners is preferred in classical treatments. In this process, regular control is very important in determining the dosage use. Early diagnosis and early treatment are of great importance in DVT, as in every disease.

In addition to drug treatment, healthy nutrition, exercise and inactivity can be shown as the main factors in protecting against this disease and its complications.

All About Vein Occlusion

Prof. Dr. Yavuz Beşoğul

Deep vein thrombosis, also known as DVT, occurs as a result of blockage in a deep vein. It most commonly occurs in the deep veins in the legs and hips. As a result of the blockage in the vein, it becomes difficult for the blood in the leg to return to the heart, and this can be among the causes of DVT.

Blood that cannot go back to the heart collects in the leg, resulting in swelling in the leg and a significant difference in diameter between the two legs, and the pain in the leg manifests itself as flank pain. Color change and pain follow, and these are among the most common symptoms of DVT. These symptoms indicate signs of vascular occlusion due to DVT. Its incidence is seen on average in one in 1000 people every year, within the framework of international data.

Things to Do After Deep Vein Thrombosis Treatment

There are a number of precautions that patients must follow after DVT treatment.

After DVT treatment, check your legs for tenderness, warmth, or swelling. In such a case, contact your doctor directly.

-You need to go for check-ups at intervals determined by your doctor.

– You should use your medications as recommended by your doctor.

-You need to move a lot after the operation. This is very important to ensure blood flow.

– Be sure to move your lower leg muscles to prevent blood clot formation on long trips.

Deep Vein Thrombosis Complications

The higher the blockages due to DVT move up the legs and hips, the more serious this problem becomes. Since the flow that must come from the bottom up in the vein (from the leg to the heart) will slow down, clotting may occur due to accumulation. There are 2 main complications related to this situation.

A blood clot that forms in a vein in the leg usually remains stuck in the vein wall. These;

• A blood clot reaching the lung, also known as pulmonary embolism
• It is an irreversible varicose disease that develops after DVT.

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