How to Do Minimally Invasive?

Due to the developments, one of the most important applications that comes to the fore among surgical methods is minimally invasive surgery. In minimally invasive surgery, the aim is to reach the area where the disease is located and perform the necessary intervention by making an entry through the smallest incision, without damaging the bones and tissues. In addition, laparoscopic surgery and robotic surgery applications, which are included in minimally invasive surgery, are used in the treatment of many diseases. Minimally invasive surgery offers many advantages to both the doctor and the patient during and after surgery.

Surgery Duration
1-2 hours
Recovery Time
1-4 Weeks
Discharge Time
2-5 Days
minimally invasive surgery

What is Minimally Invasive?

Minimally invasive surgery is a concept that refers to surgeries performed through small incisions, popularly known as the closed method. The main difference between minimally invasive surgery and open surgery is the method of entry. In minimally invasive surgery, it is aimed to reach the problem area and perform the treatment by making entry through small incisions without damaging the bones and tissues. Apart from this, the necessary interventions for the treatment of the disease are performed in the same way in both cases, depending on the condition and nature of the problem. Compared to open surgery, surgeries performed with minimally invasive surgery provide the patient with a faster and more comfortable recovery process, especially after surgery.

What is Minimally Invasive Heart Surgery?

Minimally Invasive heart surgery refers to heart surgeries performed through small incisions without splitting the chest in the middle, popularly known as the closed method. Performing heart surgery with minimal incisions means performing both heart valve replacement and coronary bypass surgeries while the heart is working, by entering from the sides of the chest, between the ribs, without disrupting the integrity of the chest wall, that is, without splitting the chest in the middle, called sternotomy. Each of them has different techniques. For heart valves, heart surgery is performed with minimal incisions under the right armpit. In coronary bypass surgery, if there is only one vessel depending on the number of vessels, bypass surgery is performed through small 7-8 centimeter incisions under the breast. Sometimes, when there are two veins, two vein bypass surgery can be performed from the right side and the left side, again under the armpit.

Heart valve and some cardiovascular problems can be intervened with the help of a catheter by entering from the groin without making an incision. In addition, heart valve surgeries and bypass surgery can be performed through small 4-5 centimeter incisions in the armpit, under the breast, and in the outer fold of the breast. After the necessary tests, analyzes and evaluations to perform these surgeries, the patient's suitability is determined and the most appropriate surgery method is decided by the specialist physician. However, some procedures can be performed with robotic surgery without making any incisions.

What are the Advantages of Minimally Invasive Heart Surgery?

Heart surgeries performed using minimally invasive surgery provide some advantages both during and after surgery. Minimally invasive heart surgery advantages include:

  • Since the incision is smaller, there is less bleeding during surgery and the risk of complications is lower.
  • Since there is no surgical scar on the front of the chest, it provides a good aesthetic appearance and does not negatively affect the patient psychologically.
  • It prevents tissue damage that may occur while reaching the heart.
  • The risk of complications and infection is low.
  • It does not cause any problems in cases where the patient requires a second heart surgery.
  • Since a heart-lung machine is not used, the risk of complications that may arise in other organs is prevented.
  • It allows the patient to be discharged earlier.
  • The patient can return to his daily life earlier and does not cause any problems in his social and sexual life.
  • The patient does not have to lie on his back after the surgery, he can lie in any position he wants.
  • The patient can drive a car and wear a seat belt.
  • The patient does not have to protect his chest.
  • The patient does not face any movement restrictions and can swim and lift heavy objects.
To whom should minimally invasive treatment not be applied?

Minimally invasive heart surgery can generally be applied to all patients for heart valve replacement and coronary bypass surgery. However, triple coronary bypass may not be possible when three or more vessels need to be replaced or when coronary bypass surgery with a heart valve is required. Additionally, it may not be possible to perform surgery with minimal incisions in patients with advanced lung disease.
Is Minimally Invasive Heart Surgery Safe?

Heart surgeries performed with closed or minimally invasive techniques are as reliable as other methods and less risky than them. Especially in experienced hands, if there are surgeons who have performed minimally invasive surgery for a long time and have scientific studies on this subject, made their presentations at home and abroad, and declared their patients, it is much more reliable than the other opening. Another feature of this surgery is that it carries less risk than the other method, since no ribs or muscles are cut in this surgery. In heart valve surgeries, which are performed by cutting the rib from the front, there is a large incision, which increases the risk of infection and the long-term protection of the chest.

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