Prof. Dr. Yavuz BeşoğulAll Articles

Cardiovascular Surgery Specialist
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Venöz Tromboz
Venöz Tromboz
Venöz Tromboz Nedir? Venöz tromboz, toplardamarların içinde pıhtı oluşması durumudur ve bu pıhtı kan akışını engelleyebilir. Genellikle bacaklarda meydana gelir ve derin ven trombozu (DVT) olarak adlandırılır. Bu durum, toplardamarların kanı kalbe taşımasını zorlaştırır ve pıhtının akciğerlere giderek ciddi bir durum olan pulmoner emboliye neden olma riski vardır. Bu rahatsızlık, hareketsiz bir yaşam tarzı, uzun...
VSD Ameliyatı
VSD Ameliyatı
VSD Ameliyatı Nedir? VSD ameliyatı, iki karıncık arasındaki delikleri kapatmak için yapılır. Kalbin sağ ve sol karıncıkları arasındaki duvarda bulunan bu delik, kanın içinde yanlış yönde akmasına yol açabilir. VSD, doğuştan gelen bir kalp rahatsızlığıdır ve tedavi edilmediğinde kalbin daha fazla çalışmasına, solunum sorunlarına ve kalp yetmezliğine neden olabilir. Ameliyatın amacı, kanın yanlış yönde akmasını önlemek...
Kılcal Damar Tedavisi
Kılcal Damar Tedavisi
Kılcal Damar Tedavisi Nedir? Kılcal damar tedavisi, cilt yüzeyine yakın olan ince kılcal damarların görünümünü azaltmak veya tamamen ortadan kaldırmak için yapılan bir işlemdir. Bu damarlar, özellikle yüz, bacaklar ve burunda belirginleşir ve çoğu kişi için estetik bir rahatsızlık oluşturabilir. Bu damarların belirginleşmesi genellikle yaşlanma, genetik değişiklikler, hormonal değişiklikler, güneşe maruz kalma ve çeşitli yaşam...
What Happens If I Don't Have Heart Valve Surgery?

For heart valve problems, many patients postpone and avoid surgery. In the early stages, medication etc. Surgical treatment may be necessary in the future for heart valve diseases that can be kept under control with other methods. Insufficiency or stenosis problems are more common, especially in mitral or aortic valve diseases. In cases where heart valve diseases progress, surgical treatment is quite...

Surgery with Biological Heart Valve

Biological heart valves are used in heart valve replacement surgeries, especially for individuals over the age of 70. Since the lifespan of heart valves taken from animals such as cattle is shorter than mechanical valves, biological valves are not preferred in young individuals. Heart valve replacement surgeries are generally performed for mitral and aortic valve insufficiency and stenosis problems. Treatment of valve stenosis or calcification...

Causes and Symptoms of Arrhythmia

Rhythm disorder is a heart problem that can be seen in young or middle-aged and older individuals. Although arrhythmia causes symptoms such as stuttering sensation, dizziness and blackout, the most common symptoms of arrhythmia problem are heart palpitations. Heart Palpitations and Arrhythmia Heart palpitations occur due to reasons such as stress, fatigue, excessive caffeine consumption, alcohol and tobacco consumption...

What is Bicuspid Valve Surgery?

What is Bicuspid Valve Surgery? Before answering what bicuspid valve surgery is, it would be appropriate to give information about the following. Bicuspid aorta is a condition in which the aortic valve, which is supposed to have three leaves at birth, has only two leaves. Sometimes it does not cause any negative effects in human life, and sometimes its effects can be seen in the future. The first of these effects may be rapid calcification. Calcification occurs between the ages of 30-50...

How is Heart Valve Replacement Done?

Conditions such as stenosis or insufficiency in the heart valve cause the valve to fail in its function in the later stages. In this condition, which triggers lung and heart diseases, treatment can be provided with heart valve surgery. In cases where the heart valve is damaged beyond repair or the stenosis or insufficiency of the valve is severe, heart valve replacement is required. In heart valve replacement...

Mitral Valve Diseases and Treatment

Mitral valve surgery; It is usually performed due to insufficiency or calcification of the valve that is congenital, develops due to inflammatory diseases that develop in childhood, or occurs in adulthood. If the mitral valve, one of the four valves in the heart, does not close completely or leaks backwards, it can damage the heart and lungs. Mitral valve diseases, which do not cause many symptoms in the initial stages,...

Can Varicose Vein Treatment with Venablock Be Applied to Everyone?

Varicose veins, which are common in women and cause both pain complaints and an aesthetically disturbing appearance when left untreated, can be treated without surgery with the venablock method. So who is suitable for venablock treatment? Venablock treatment is a procedure that should be performed by cardiovascular surgeons. The problem in the veins is treated with a laser method called venablock...

What are the symptoms of Mitral Valve Insufficiency?

What is Mitral Valve Insufficiency? Since mitral valve insufficiency symptoms are usually attributed to reasons such as stress, smoking, fatigue, they are not given much importance by patients. Mitral insufficiency, which is an insidious disease, does not show many symptoms in the early stages of the disease. Therefore, the diagnosis of mitral valve diseases is usually discovered by chance during check-ups performed for a different disease. In mitral valve diseases;...

Can Heart Patients Fast?

A question we encounter every year is can heart patients fast? We tried to give a short and concise answer to the question for you. First of all, if our heart patient has such a request, he must make this decision with the approval of his doctor. There will definitely be risks associated with fasting with advancing age. For this reason, the most common situation we encounter in cases where heart disease and fasting are combined is...

Heart Hole Symptoms

Heart hole, or atrial septal defect as it is known in medicine, is a heart problem that is mostly congenital. A hole in the heart may also occur after heart disease during adulthood. Atrial septal defect treatment can now be performed with high success rates. Although the heart hole causes some symptoms such as fatigue, excessive sweating, and inability to gain weight while breastfeeding during infancy, these symptoms are mild...
